
Welcome to the Office of Human Resources

Thank you for your interest in the Attleboro Public Schools.  
We are the 28th largest school district in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with approximately 6,044 students and 411 certified teachers. The mission of the Attleboro Public Schools is to develop and deliver relevant learning experiences that engage, challenge and inspire all students to maximize their unique potential and improve our world.

The Human Resources Department encourages and maintains an environment that supports, develops and sustains the well-being of the employees of the Attleboro Public Schools.  We do this by being a knowledgeable, approachable, professional resource in providing quality services.   We deliver our services in support of the district's mission to engage, challenge and inspire.

We seek to foster the overall goals of the district:

  • Recruitment and Retention

  • Training and Development

  • Employee Relations

  • Labor Relations

  • Compensation and Benefits

  • Safety and Risk Management


Attleboro Public Schools are committed to recruiting, hiring, developing, and retaining a racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse group of highly effective and culturally responsive staff. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and racially affirming environment that welcomes and values the diversity of our staff and students. We foster fairness and inclusivity to create a workplace environment where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

Application Process

Online Application - Complete the online application with TalentEd Applicant Tracking.

Review Process - Principals/Assistant Principals will review all applications.

Interviews - Once applicants have been selected, Principals/Assistant Principals will contact you directly to set up your interview.

Final Selection - Upon a final selection, Principals/Assistant Principals will have a discussion with you regarding salary and then submit your name to Human Resources. At this time please have your SAFIS/Fingerprints completed or a letter of suitability sent to our Human Resource Office. 

Onboarding - Human Resources will then reach out to you with your task list via email to begin the onboarding process.  Once all tasks are completed a final meeting to conclude your onboarding process will be scheduled.

Background Check

Massachusetts law requires two criminal background checks for all public school employees:

  1. Statewide Applicant Fingerprint Identification Services (SAFIS)

  2. Massachusetts Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI)

Employee Resources