Background Checks

Massachusetts law requires two criminal background checks for all public school employees:

  1. Statewide Applicant Fingerprint Identification Services (SAFIS)

  2. Massachusetts Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI)


Statewide Applicant Fingerprint Identification Services (SAFIS)

Once you have interviewed and have been selected for the position, please follow instructions below to complete your fingerprints.  


  1. Go to the registration website:

  2. When you are asked to select an agency, choose “Pre-K-12” Grade Education (ESE)

  3. You will need the 8-digit provider ID # for our school district: 00160000

  4. Enter a zip code to determine the closest fingerprinting location

  5. Register for a fingerprinting appointment at one of the available enrollment centers

  6. Go to your scheduled appointment to physically have your fingerprints taken.  Please make sure to take your receipt at the end of your appointment.

Letter of Suitability

If you have been fingerprinted for another school district in Massachusetts within the last 7 years, please contact that district and request a Letter of Suitability to be sent directly to the contacts below. If it has been longer than 7 years you must complete the process outlined above.

Lynn Gale -
Kathy Black -


Criminal Offender Records Investigation

CORI checks are completed during the onboarding process.

CORI checks: School employers must conduct state Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) checks on current and prospective employees who may have direct and unmonitored contact with children. The CORI check process supplies information from Massachusetts criminal courts and cases. The CORI requirements that apply to Massachusetts schools are in G.L. c. 71, § 38R and in the regulations of the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services, 803 CMR 2.00 , as well as DESE's regulations on Criminal History Checks for School Employees, 603 CMR 51.00.


Contact Lynn Gale in the HR Office for more information:

(508) 222-0012 x 10065