Substitute Information
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Substitute for the Attleboro School Department. Our substitute teachers play a vital role in educating our students when a regular teacher is absent or unavailable. We also have additional openings for supporting our clerical and nursing staff as well. Substitute schedules are very flexible and you are able to pick and choose what days/locations work best for you. Click each link below to learn more about substituting in that position.
FAQ’s/Helpful info/Tips
Some helpful suggestions are:
Based upon what school you are subbing at, keep in mind each school level has different start times. Try to go in early so you can find a parking space.
Upon arrival – always check in at the main office.
Ask the office for a schedule for the current day.
Lunch – bringing your lunch may be the easiest but a cafeteria is available to purchase lunch.
End of the day – check out at the main office