WMS: There is a water main issue on Pike St. this morning which may delay busses.
Thank you.
Reminder: If you received an invoice via mail, Fee for Service payment is due in full on or before November 15, 2023. If payment is not received by Wednesday, November 15, 2023, your student(s) will no longer be able to ride the bus beginning on Monday, November 27, 2023. Visit the Fee for Service Payment webpage to learn how to pay online, in-person, or by mail: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/fee-for-service-payment
WMS: The Student Council is running a food drive for the Hebron Food Pantry which ends Dec. 1st. Students may bring food items into homerooms. Thank you for your generosity.
WMS: Click below to learn more about the new history curriculum developed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Family Engagement and Assistance
Reminder: If you received an invoice via mail, Fee for Service payment is due in full on or before November 15, 2023. If payment is not received by Wednesday, November 15, 2023, your student(s) will no longer be able to ride the bus beginning on Monday, November 27, 2023. Visit the Fee for Service Payment webpage to learn how to pay online, in-person, or by mail: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/fee-for-service-payment
WMS: Please see the October 27, 2023 Weekly Update. Thanks.
WMS: Please see the attached regarding WMS spirit wear - thanks!
AHS Blue Pride Night is next Wednesday, November 1 at 6:00 pm. All grade 8 students and families are cordially invited to attend. Come experience all AHS has to offer, including several live performances and a cafeteria full of informational tables!
WMS: Please see the October 20, 2023 WMS weekly Update. Thank you.
WMS Families:
Attleboro High School greatly appreciates the support of families at all AHS sporting events. Recently, a large number of middle school students have attended AHS football games. While the majority of students are there to watch the games & have been well behaved, a number of them have been left at the games unsupervised which has created safety concerns and disruptions for other fans in attendance.
We will remind students that all school rules apply at AHS events. Students attending games should be there to watch the games - it isn't a safe option for them to play football, tag or other games in the grassy areas as games are being played. We appreciate your support keeping all in attendance safe & creating an enjoyable environment for all. Thank you.
WMS: Please see the WMS weekly update for October 13, 2023. Thank you.
WMS Lost & Found: Our lost & found has a growing collection of items. Please have your child visit the lost & found if they are missing items. Thank you.
Please join us for a discussion:
WMS: Please see the WMS Weekly Update for Oct. 6, 2023. Thanks.
WMS: Congratulations to students invited to the monthly Wolfpack Pride Breakfast for demonstrating outstanding citizenship & effort!
Our first Rooms' Help Session is tomorrow evening - October 3 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Please use QR code to sign up now!
Students in grades 5-8 will be screened for scoliosis during the school year by the physical education teachers during gym class. The purpose of this screening is to detect early signs of possible spinal problems. This is not a diagnostic service but a state mandated program to identify young people who may need further spinal evaluation.
If your child has any unusual findings, you will be asked to take your child to a physician as a precaution.
If you do not want your child to participate in the postural screening, please submit written documentation to the gym teacher(s) Mr. Parenteau or Ms. Carreiro, or the school nurse. If you have any questions please contact the school nurse, Robin Deshowitz RN, 508-223-1544. Thank you.
WMS: Please see the Sept. 29, 2023 Weekly Update. Thanks.
WMS: From the PTO - Tomorrow (Wed. 9/27) is our Dine Out day/night at Bliss Restaurant. 20% of proceeds go back to the WMS PTO when they mention Wamsutta during their order. Thank you!
WMS: Please see the Sept. 22, 2023 Weekly Update.
Thank you.
Did you know that completing the Free and Reduced lunch application also helps to determine eligibility for P-EBT benefits and can waive or reduce transportation, athletics, testing, and other fees? Even though meals are free this school year, families who believe they qualify should complete the 23-24 MA Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals on the APS Food Services website or online here: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/aps/page/food-services2