WMS: Please see the Weekly Update for May 16, 2024
24-25 Transportation Application Open!
New this year, all eligible students, including Kindergarten and First grade, who wish to ride the bus to/from any of the Attleboro Public Schools MUST complete the Transportation Application. The only exception to this is for those with specialized transportation needs listed in an IEP. Families should refer to the email sent on May 3, 2024, or visit the APS Transportation website for details: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/transportation
WMS: Over April break, several WMS students had the opportunity to go to Italy with the Middle School Travel Program. Pictured with chaperone Mr. Duquette.
WMS: Congratulations to students inducted into the National Junior Honors Society last week! Thank you to advisors Ms. Boyer & Ms. Ramos for their work with NJHS & putting the evening together.
WMS: Thank you to the WMS Student Council & Ms. Cannata and Ms. Geysen for putting together over 100 hygiene kit donations for New Hope Inc. in Attleboro!
From the WMS PTO:
Thank you to everyone for your support so far and we still have a few days to raise money and earn prizes. The students are having a blast with our boosterthon team rep Sam. Ask them about some of the cool games they are playing at lunch and extra prizes being won. A few details for the run-
*we are NOT giving out t-shirts this year. Although the color does wash out I would not wear something to school that day that you wouldn’t want to potentially stain. Students are encouraged to wear white/light colors. They can also decorate their own tshirt for the event.
* Run times
The races will run as follows:
9:00 - 6th grade race (then they will go to Peace Garden for snacks from PTO)
9:25 - 5th grade race (then they will go to Peace Garden for snacks from PTO)
9:50 - 8th grade race (then they will go to Peace Garden snacks from PTO)
10:15 7th grade race (they will get snacks from PTO BEFORE race)
10:35 Final "color blast".
10:50-11:10 leaf blowing clean up
*finger crossed for no rain- we have a meeting with the team to discuss a backup plan and we will inform you if it comes to that.
*your student MUST be registered in order to run. This is essentially their “permission slip” to participate.
*We are up to 22 states that we have received donations from. We would LOVE to color in our map with all 50!
* NIGHTLY CHALLENGE – The class with the most new donations will earn Class Game Time!
💡Did you know that you can get 200 entries for a chance to win a daily giveaway prize… for FREE?
Sharing by email using the “Easy Emailer” tool on our fundraising site MYBOOSTER.COM can get you 200 entries EASY.
All you have to do is enter 10 valid email addresses to get 200 entries, and then MyBooster.com takes it from there making it EASY to ask family and friends to donate to Wamsutta Middle School. We’ll have new winners announced tomorrow… Get your entries in TONIGHT for your chance!
🚨FUNDRAISING UPDATE🚨We are up to $10,799 of our $20,000 to help with the increasing costs of field trip busing, recess equipment, and enhancements to Wamsutta's Peace Garden!
WMS: Please see the WMS Weekly Update for May 3, 2024. Thanks.
WMS: Congratulations to 8th Graders Ethan Morales & Arabella Kwak for being honored by the Attleboro Elks during Youth Appreciation night for outstanding leadership!
WMS: BUS 8 ONLY!: Bus 8 is running very late - it left WMS at appx. 2:45 PM. A problem on Bishop St. is preventing the bus from going beyond the Pike & Bishop St. stop. Students in that area have either already called home to arrange for pickup at WMS or have called to inform families they will be walking home from Pike & Bishop. Please call WMS (508) 223-1540 if you have concerns.
Join us for an informational meeting with travel leaders from the Attleboro Public Schools to learn more about the Middle School and High School International Travel opportunities available to middle school students & families and high school students. Monday, May 6, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the Bray Auditorium of Attleboro High School.
See the full flier for more details: https://5il.co/2japz
WMS: Grades 5 & 6 - please remember to bring your charged Chromebooks tomorrow for math MCAS.
WMS: Please see the WMS weekly Update for April 26, 2024. Thank you.
WMS: Congratulations to students invited the WMS Wolfpack Pride breakast this morning!
Attleboro Public Schools and the City of Attleboro are pleased to host the second annual Attleboro Career Fair, being held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from 4:30-6:30 PM at Attleboro High School. Screening interviews for school-based positions and free childcare can be scheduled by completing the registration form. All interested applicants should bring an updated resume. Please register to let us know you’re coming! https://forms.gle/JHuaVHiLuWNExKXY7
For more details on the career opportunities and hosts available at the fair please see the flier: https://tinyurl.com/22xxewvt
We look forward to seeing all students as we return to school tomorrow, Monday, April 22, 2024.
Looking for something to do over April break? Click the link below for more information on local events and activities happening this week!
As a reminder, the APS Welcome Center and Central Office entrance will be closed to the public starting Friday, April 12, 2024, and reopen on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.
WMS: Please see the April 12, 2024 Weekly Update. Thanks.
The APS Welcome Center and Central Office entrance will be closed to the public starting Friday, April 12, 2024, and reopen on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.
From the WMS PTO: You can now SIGN UP for our Wamsutta Middle School Color Run! Our goal is to raise $20,000 to help with the increasing costs of field trip busing, recess equipment and enhancements to Wamsutta's Peace Garden. Creating your page for the fundraiser is easy and free! And if you and your student sign up before kickoff - your student could win a $50 gift card!
⭐️Sign up now on MYBOOSTER.COM ⭐️
Be sure to check out the easy sharing functions on MYBOOSTER.COM in order to send your custom fundraising page to family and friends.
Important dates:
Kickoff May 1st
Color Run May 10
Please see the WMS Weekly Update for April 5, 2024. Thank you.