Do you know anyone with school age children ready for Kindergarten for next year?
The Attleboro Public Schools is pleased to host Kindergarten Information Night on March 2, 2023. This evening provides information on how to enroll students for Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year. Please share Kindergarten Information Night with neighbors, friends and family! More information can be found on the Welcome Center Website.
Good Morning WMS & HFES Families:
A survey was emailed to you regarding band/chorus offerings for next year at Wamsutta. If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to complete the survey. Thank you.
Great time was had today by Grade 6 at the Patriots Hall of Fame!
Please join us for Blue Pride Night at 6:00 PM tomorrow, February 8 (@ AHS). Come see what the excitement is all about. #thisisattleboro
Dear WMS Families, A survey was emailed home yesterday regarding band/chorus options for next year. If you haven't already, please take a moment to review & complete the survey. Thank you.
WMS: Please see the Weekly Update for Feb. 3, 2023
Thank you
WMS: Just a reminder the next PTO meeting is Thursday, Feb. 2 6:30-7:30 PM in the WMS library. All are welcome!
WMS: Blue Pride Night is rescheduled to Feb. 8th @ 6:00 PM at AHS.
WMS: Buses may be running late due to an accident on S. Main St.
Good Afternoon WMS Families:
Please see the WMS Weekly Update for January 27, 2023. Thanks.
WMS: Today Cam Dymowski from NBC 10 interviewed Mrs. Almeida's class about the "Name a Snowplow" contest. The story will air during this evening's news.
WMS: Due to the inclement weather forecast for this evening, AHS is postponing Blue Pride Night. They are tentatively planning to reschedule the event for Wednesday, February 8.
Thank you.
BLUE PRIDE NIGHT: Wednesday, January 25th
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Attleboro High School
(Please enter through the Principal’s Lobby Or Gym Door)
Attleboro High’s Open House showcasing our large variety of student opportunities including:
*Career & Technical Education Programs
* Transition: Guidance & Special Education Services & Nurses
* Band, Art, and Music programs
* Parent to Parent Information
* Clubs and Activities
* Athletics
Come see why #ThisIsAttleboro
WMS: Grade 8 students planting seeds for a Nature’s Classroom project.
WMS: Please see the announcement from the PTO regarding the March 3rd student/staff basketball game. Thanks!
Congratulations to Mrs. Almeida's ELA students for winning the "Name a Snow Plow" contest from the MassDOT.
WMS: Please see the January 20, 2023 weekly update:
WMS: Great time at the 7/8th Grade Dance yesterday. Thank you to the National Junior Honor Society for organizing.
Grade 7 students presenting their projects on cells.
Good Afternoon WMS Families:
Please see the WMS Weekly Update for January 13, 2023