First Graders have been working hard on improving their reading, writing, math and social skills.
In English Language Arts, we have been reading many non-fiction texts. We are looking at non-fiction text features and how they are different from fiction texts. Students are continuing to increase their comprehension. We are currently working on long vowels and vowel pairs. In writing, students are continuing to work on their handwriting, making sure they have finger spaces between their words and punctuation at the end of each sentence. We have been writing stories that have a beginning, middle, and end. Students are continuing to add on to and expand their thoughts when writing.
In Math, we have been continuing to work hard in ST Math and are progressing on our journey with JiJi. We have been practicing many things such as, number story strategies, understanding place value, comparing and measuring items by length, telling time to the hour and representing/interpreting data.
In Science, students have been learning about the sun and the moon. Students tracked the moon over the month both at home and in school. Be sure to ask your child about the phases of the moon and the most interesting fact they remember about the moon. Some students presented at Attleboro´s Night to Discover at the high school.
Socially, students continue to work on Second Steps lessons and most recently started lessons on Zones of Regulation to help them identify their emotions and learn strategies to handle the emotions they are having at the moment. First graders are continuing to work on being respectful, responsible and safe inside the building and outside at recess, too!