Caitlyn Paltsios, Kindergarten Teacher
Caitlyn Paltsios is a Kindergarten teacher at Studley Elementary School. She graduated from the University at Albany in 2017, with a degree in Psychology and Education. She received her masters degree in Early Childhood Education from Merrimack College. This is her first year teaching in Attleboro, and she is so lucky to be able to teach Kindergarten. Before teaching, she was a Special Education Paraprofessional for two years in Kindergarten and First Grade. In her free time she loves to read, go to the gym and spend time with her family and friends.
Lauren Legault, Behavior Therapist
Lauren Legault has been employed with Attleboro Public Schools since January 2017 as a Behavior Therapist at the elementary level. Her role involves identifying working with students that exhibit challenging behavior and collaborating with their teachers/service providers on ways to best support them. Floating between all five elementary schools has helped her become familiar with the district and the community of Attleboro in general.
Previously, she was employed in Fall River Public Schools for two years. She has worked at South Bay Mental Health (now South Bay Community Services) overseeing the implementation of in-home behavior services and at the Groden Center as a treatment coordinator for students with autism and high-risk behaviors. Her educational background includes an MA in Mental Health Counseling with a concentration in Co-occurring Disorders and a Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis for Special Populations. In her free time, the cute little baby you see above has been keeping her husband and her very busy since February 25th of 2022, which has made them very happy!