A Night to Discover

APS Student Learning & Community Partnership Showcase

There are a variety of presenters from all of the Attleboro Public Schools. We hope you enjoy listening to students and teachers describe their valuable learning experiences.

Student presentations are located throughout the first floor of the building. To help navigate the presentations, please refer to the map below and those displayed around the event.

A list of presentation titles and locations can be found below.

School Store
Open for shopping and curated by AHS marketing students.

6:15PM - K Pop
7:00 PM - AHS Marching Band

  • Tech Help: Visit the Tech Table for help accessing the WiFi or Digital Program

  • Questions? Check in with anyone in a white T-shirt or student volunteers stationed throughout the event space. Staff shirts were printed by AHS students in the graphics department.

Floor 1

Floor 2

Community Organizations and Resources available for you tonight include:

Organization Name


Associates for Human Services/ Early Head Start

Attleboro Council on Aging

Attleboro Enterprises

Attleboro Norton YMCA

Attleboro Public Library

Attleboro Recreation

City of Attleboro - Community Engagement

Massachusetts Department of Children and Families - Foster Care Recruitment

Attleboro Family Resource Center

Greater Attleboro Taunton Healthy Families

INTERFACE Referral Service

Manet Community Health Center

Massachusetts for Innovative Education Assessment

Pave Your Path, Inc.

Project Connect-Attleboro CFCE

Rise Above Foundation

SMARTS Collaborative

The Arc of Bristol County

The Commission on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

The Literacy Center

Unlimited Behavioral Health Services/The Child and Family Wellness Center


Presenting in the Cafeteria


Teacher (s)

Buzzing into Learning: Integrating Beebot Coding into Learning Centers

Frances Gauthier, Kathy McCormack

Community Workers

Gabrielle Atkinson

HMH Reading: Research and Inquiry Project

Kristen Hirsch

Multimodal Assessments in Kindergarten

Melissa Jost- Emily Schiller

Bringing Still Life to Life!

Kim Sweeney, Donya Lemieux, and Emily Schiller

Water Protectors-Pen Pal Project

Christine Naughton

Balloons Over Broadway

Kelsey Bower/Melissa Martin

Animal Research Project

Sarah Hartnett

Compare and Contrasting Languages , Comparing Countries: A Visual Journey, The Language of Math: Writing and Reading about Graphs & Data

Penelope Jennewein/Annie Larkin/ Kerri Delpape

From Words to WOW: Turning Writing Into Art With Canva

Jane Howes/ Kerri Delpape

Presenting in the Gymnasium



9 - Square in the Air

Danny Rendell

Ashley Hanson

Steven Colantonio

Andrea Lamonica

Presenting in the Chorus Room (C-117)



Studley Orff Band

Alan Clavette

Presenting in the Cafeteria



Making Natural Dyes

Caron Heller and Kate Ring

Ethos, Pathos, Logos in Advertising and Essays

Sandra McKenzie

Community Recipes

Jennifer Grenon

Turning Points in History

Sheila Howe

Art Straw Roller Coasters

Sheila Howe

Water Droplet Story

Jessica Reilly /Amy Sanford

Technology Project Proposal

Julie James /Amy Sanford

Open SciED

Anthony Champagne

Presenting in the Cafeteria



12+ Program

Charlene Bronsdon, Christine Moniz, and Stephanie Forte

Discover CIS

Matt Elliot

ACRE/Future Focus

Joe Amaral

ACA High School

Mike Sanpietro

Rescue Mission

Sally Eosefow

Historical Storytelling Through Artifacts

Heather Folan

Graphic Communications

Dan Ramos

Growth Mindset Children's Books

Kaytie Keane

Medical Assisting and Skills USA

Jennifer Espinal/ Tammy Kirsch

"Lord of the Flies" Mock Trial

Ana Swansey/John McCarthy

Consumer Product Research Study

Dana Johnson

Consumer Research Project

Rachel Skerker

Use Trigonometry To Measure The Height Of Tall Objects

Laura Williams

Mousetrap Cars

Sean Abernathy

Deaf and…

Weston Pondolfino

Early Education & Care

Molly Abernathy

Dental Assisting

Amy Klegraefe Santos

Presenting on the Cafeteria Steps




Lindsay Nygaard


Joseph Keough

AHS Marching Band

Stephanie Torres

Bronwyn Pearson

Presenting in a 1st Floor Classroom



Graphic Communications

Dan Ramos

Cosmetology (A-149)

Jill England and Ashley Pearl

Culinary Arts (A-144)

Peter Santiago

Blue Pride TV

Kelly Bergeron

Environmental Science and Technologies (C-121)

Kirby Ruggieri

HVAC/R (C-115)

Russell Esau

Criminal Justice/Mock Trial

Tobey Reed

Carpentry Shop (C-112)

Eileen Homen

Automotive Technology (C-100)

Dave Justus

Bob Vinskus

Presenting in 2nd Floor Classroom



Reverse Engineering and Engineering Design (C-214)

Amy Gubanov

Robotics & Automation (C-212)

Cory Rugg

Medical Assisting and Skills USA

Jennifer Espinal

Tammy Kirsch

Thank you for coming! We hope this evening has enhanced your understanding of the learning experiences in the Attleboro Public Schools and has provided awareness of the resources available within the Attleboro community.

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