Click here for tonight's Back to School Night Update:

Click here for our weekly message: https://ahs.attleboroschools.com/o/ahs/article/849418

I have a new appreciation for what you learn in Mr Brillon’s welding class.

Mrs. Silva’s forensics class learning how to analyze tape lifts for trace evidence to identify a possible crime. CSI Attleboro High School!

We’re excited to introduce Attleboro Public Schools’s new
mobile communication tool - Rooms! Coming soon to the Attleboro Public Schools app, Rooms will be built into our
district app so you have one app for everything Attleboro
Public Schools.

Coming Soon!
Say “hello” to parent-teacher chat in the Attleboro
Public Schools app! The same district app will soon offer class
streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat.
Download for Android
Download for iPhone

Open House Saturday, September 24, 10:00-12:00. Come join us as we celebrate the opening of our spectacular new school. Address- One Blue pride Way. Parking on either side of the building as well as behind the school. Enter through main doors near the flagpoles. See you there!


Teamwork and hard work is what we do. The Balfour trophy sponsored by the Attleboro Elks Lodge 1014 was ours tonight!

Attleboro 27- Feehan 7.
AHS showed up in full force for a great night!


Mrs. Michelle’s philosophy class debating, “Do our choices make us who we are or do we make our choices based on who we are.” Lively debate!

Grade 9 students: Most of you will receive your school issued Chromebook tomorrow during the first period of the day. If you have your middle school Chromebook (any condition) or a loaner from AHS, please bring it and its charger into school tomorrow to exchange for a new device. Thank you.

See this image for Monday's 8 period bell schedule (and the schedule for the rest of the week).

AHS blue is getting it done. Congrats to Varsity Football and Varsity Volleyball for big wins this weekend. Let’s Go!

Never Forget

Please click here for our weekly family update: https://ahs.attleboroschools.com/o/ahs/article/833613

Students exploring the theme of identity

Please click this link for an update on student drop-off in the morning: https://ahs.attleboroschools.com/o/ahs/article/823618