Scholarship Night
Attleboro High School hosted their annual Scholarship Night this past week. The cafe was sparkling with smiles and positive energy. Over 315 scholarships were gifted to our seniors for their hard work and personal accomplishments. A total of $304,398 was awarded by the Attleboro Scholarship Fund and a total of $675,898 for all recognitions.
For the first time in over a decade an AHS student received a Questbridge Scholarship. The Questbridge National College Match Scholarship. This year there were over 20,800 outstanding applicants nationwide. We are honored to recognize Sean Kaswale for this incredible achievement.
Thank you to the Attleboro Scholarship Committee, Gina Spencer, Angela Larson and the AHS guidance department for encouraging and celebrating these exceptional opportunities for our students.
Next Week
We have five days of school next week with Math MCAS as a major event.
Even Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Odd Days: Tuesday, Thursday
Last Day of School
Grade 12 students: Last day of classes is May 24. Seniors will then attend senior events (graduation rehearsals, etc) from May 28-31.
Grade 9-12 students: Last day of school is Friday, June 14. Students will have half days on June 13 and 14.
News for Seniors
GRADING - Teachers will be submitting all failing grades for seniors at the end of the day on Thursday, May 23. Please check Aspen and communicate with teachers if you have any concerns. We would love to have zero students on the senior failure list!
OBLIGATIONS - Teachers will also be submitting any lost books or financial obligations on Thursday, May 23. Grade 12 students must have all obligations cleared prior to graduation.
Senior Chromebook & Charger Collection
All chromebooks must be returned with a charging adapter. If the chromebook and charger are not returned, students will be charged a fee that must be paid prior to graduation.
Chromebook fee - $100 (for most Chromebooks)
Charger fee - $25
The Dell 3100 chromebook assigned to students uses a 65w USB-C charger. The original charger provided and as sold by Dell retails for $46.99. Students who return their chromebooks without an adapter will be assessed a $25 replacement fee.
We much rather have the charger than the money, so are sharing alternative ways to purchase chargers. Replacement adapters can be purchased through Amazon, Best Buy, Staples and other retailers.On Amazon use the search phrase “Dell 3100 USB-C Charger”, the cost of the charger should not exceed $20. Two examples are below.
The following adapters are acceptable replacements found on Amazon Amazon.com: 65w 45w USB-C Type C Laptop Charger Replacement for Dell Latitude 7275 7370 5420 5285 5290 5520 XPS 13 9250 9360 9365 9370 9380 9350 9550 Chromebook 3100 3400 5190 la65nm170 02YK0F Adapter Power Cord : Electronics - Cost $17.97
Amazon.com: 65W 45W for Dell USB C Charger Latitude 5420 5520 7320 7370 7420 Chromebook 3100 2 in 1 XPS Series LA65NM170 HA65NM170 02YK0F 0M1WCF Type C Power Cord Dell Laptop Charger Replacement : Electronics - Cost $15.89
Grade 10 MCAS Reminder
All grade 10 students are taking the Math MCAS next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. In preparation for this test, here are a few timely reminders:
MCAS counts! It is a graduation requirement. Demonstrating competency on MCAS is one of the state requirements for receiving a high school diploma. Do your best.
HERE is a student friendly test room location document that shares where most grade 10 students will be testing. A handful of students will be testing in rooms other than those indicated on this chart. Those students will receive a pass in X block before they report to testing.
Bring your Chromebook and charger! Students have school-issued Chromebooks and they must bring them fully charged on each testing day.
If you have any issues with your school-issued device, you must contact Robin Frank, rfrank@attleboroschools.com prior to testing.
Sophomores: We believe you all have the ability to be successful on this test. Your teachers have worked hard to prepare you for this moment, and we’re sure that you have worked hard as well. Being successful on this test is a way for you to demonstrate BLUE PRIDE to yourself, your family, your teachers, and the whole school community. We all believe in you!
Year End Grading for Grades 9-11
With less than one month left in the academic year, we wanted to share some year end updates regarding student work and grading.
Ongoing: Please check Aspen, our Rooms app, and email for updates on student progress. Please reach out to teachers if you have concerns or if students are in danger of failing and to determine what needs to be done to pass the course.
June 10: All late/missing/revised work is due from students
June 13: Teachers finalize grades
June 14: Last day of school
2024-25 Transportation News
24-25 Transportation Application: New this year, all eligible students, including Kindergarten and First grade, who wish to ride the bus to/from any of the Attleboro Public Schools MUST complete the Transportation Application to secure transportation. The only exception to this is for those with specialized transportation needs listed in an IEP. Families should refer to the email sent on May 3, 2024, or visit the APS Transportation website for details: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/transportation
Art Recognition
Last night AHS won an Honorable Mention Award in the HIgh Art Exhibit. The show will be up until May 30th. Please stop by the Attleboro Art Museum sometime this month to see these masterpieces created by students.