Policy Index
Policy | Title | Date | |
Section A | Foundations and Basic Commitments |
| |
AA | School District Legal Status | 02-06-23 | |
AB | The People and Their School District | 02-06-23 | |
AC | Nondiscrimination & Harassment | 09-16-24 | |
ACA | Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex | 11-13-23 | |
ACE | Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability | 11-13-23 | |
AD | School District Mission, Vision, & Beliefs | 02-06-23 | |
ADA | APS Strategic Plan | 11-13-23 | |
ADC | Tobacco Products on School Premises Prohibited | 02-06-23 | |
ADDA | Background Checks | 02-06-23 | |
ADDA - R1 | DCJIS Model CORI Policy | 02-06-23 | |
ADF | Health & Wellness Policy | 03-13-23 | |
AE | Commitment to Accomplishment | 02-06-23 | |
Section B | School Committee Governance and Operations |
| |
BA | School Committee Operational Goals | 02-06-23 | |
BAA | Evaluation of School Committee Operational Procedures | 02-06-23 | |
BB | School Committee Legal Status | 02-06-23 | |
BBA | School Committee Powers and Duties | 02-06-23 | |
BBAA | School Committee Member Authority | 02-06-23 | |
BBBA/BBBB | School Committee Member Qualifications / Oath of Office | 02-06-23 | |
BBBC | School Committee Member Resignation | 02-06-23 | |
BBBE | Unexpired Term Fulfillment | 02-06-23 | |
BCA | School Committee Member Ethics | 02-06-23 | |
BDA | School Committee Organizational Meeting | 02-06-23 | |
BDB | School Committee Officers | 02-06-23 | |
BDC | Appointed Committee Officials | 10-02-23 | |
BDD | SC Superintendent Relationship | 02-06-23 | |
BDE | Subcommittees of the School Committee | 02-06-23 | |
BDF | Advisory Committees to the School Committee | 02-06-23 | |
BDFA | School Councils | 02-06-23 | |
BDFA-E1 | School Improvement Plans | 02-06-23 | |
BDFA-E2 | Conduct of School Council Business | 02-06-23 | |
BDFB | CTE Advisory Committee (CTEAC) | 10-02-23 | |
BDG | School Attorney | 02-06-23 | |
BE | School Committee Meetings | 02-06-23 | |
BEC | Executive Sessions | 02-06-23 | |
BEDA | Notification of School Committee Meetings | 02-06-23 | |
BEDB | Agenda | 02-06-23 | |
BEDD | Rules of Order | 02-06-23 | |
BEDF | Voting Method | 02-06-23 | |
BEDG | Minutes | 02-06-23 | |
BEDH | Public Comment at School Committee Meetings | 03-11-24 | |
BEDH-E1 | Open Forum Guidelines | 02-05-24 | |
BEE | Special Procedures for Conducting Hearings | 02-06-23 | |
BG | Policy Development | 02-06-23 | |
BGB | Policy Adoption | 02-06-23 | |
BGC | Policy Review and Revision | 02-06-23 | |
BGD | SC Review of Regulations & Procedures | 02-06-23 | |
BGE | Policy Dissemination | 02-06-23 | |
BGF | Suspension of Policies | 02-06-23 | |
BHC | SC - Staff Communications | 02-06-23 | |
BHE | Use of Electronic Messaging by School Committee Members | 03-11-24 | |
BIA | New School Committee Member Orientation | 02-06-23 | |
BIAA | SC Transition Protocol | 02-06-23 | |
BID | SC Member Compensation & Expenses | 02-06-23 | |
BK | SC Memberships | 02-06-23 | |
Section C | General School Administration |
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CA | Administration Goals | 05-20-24 | |
CB | School Superintendent | 05-20-24 | |
CBD | Superintendent's Contract | 05-20-24 | |
CBI | Evaluation of the Superintendent | 05-20-24 | |
CCA | Attleboro District Line of Authority | 05-20-24 | |
CCB | Line & Staff Relations | 05-20-24 | |
CE | Administrative Leadership Teams, Councils, and Committees | 05-20-24 | |
CH | Policy Implementation | 05-20-24 | |
CHA/CHC | Development & Dissemination of Procedures | 05-20-24 | |
CHCA | Approval of Handbooks | 05-20-24 | |
CHD | Administration in Policy Absence | 05-20-24 | |
CM | APS District Annual Report | 05-20-24 | |
Section D | Fiscal Management |
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DA | Fiscal Management Goals | 01-27-25 | |
DB | Annual Budget | 01-27-25 | |
DBC | Budget Deadlines & Schedules | 01-27-25 | |
DBC-E1 | Budget Process Timeline | 01-27-25 | |
DBD | Budget Planning | 01-27-25 | |
DBG | Budget Adoption Procedures | 02-05-24 | |
DBJ | Budget Transfer Authority | 01-27-25 | |
DD | Funding Proposals and Applications | 01-27-25 | |
DEC | Federal Funds Supplement not Supplanting Policy | 01-27-25 | |
DFDA | Golden Age Pass | 09-16-24 | |
DGA | Authorized Signatures | 02-05-24 | |
DGA-E1 | Authorized Signatures - P and W | 02-05-24 | |
DH | Bonded Employees & Officers | 01-27-25 | |
DI | Fiscal Accounting & Reporting | 01-27-25 | |
DIE | Audits | 02-05-24 | |
DJ | Purchasing | 03-11-24 | |
DJA | Purchasing Authority | 05-20-24 | |
DJA-E1 | Authorized Signatures (Purchasing) | 05-20-24 | |
DJAA | Purchasing of Food for Employees | 01-27-25 | |
DJB | Fuel Efficiency Vehicle Policy | 01-27-25 | |
DJE | Procurement Requirements | 02-05-24 | |
DK | Payment Procedures | 03-11-24 | |
DKC | Travel Expense Reimbursements | 09-16-24 | |
Section E | Support Services |
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EB | Safety Program | 03-13-23 | |
EBAB | Pest Management Policy | 03-13-23 | |
EBB | First Aid | 03-13-23 | |
EBC | Emergency Plans | 03-13-23 | |
EBC-S | Policy on COVID Related Issues | 03-14-22 | |
EBCD | Emergency Closings | 03-13-23 | |
EBCFA | Face Coverings | 03-13-23 | |
EC | Buildings and Grounds Management | 03-13-23 | |
ECA | Buildings and Grounds Security | 03-13-23 | |
ECAC | Vandalism | 03-13-23 | |
ECAF | Security Cameras in Schools | 03-13-23 | |
EDC | Authorized Use of School -Owned Materials | 03-13-23 | |
EEA | SC Transportation Policy | 05-20-24 | |
EEA-E1 | Annual Rates - Fee for Service Transportation | 02-10-25 | |
EEAE | School Bus Safety Program | 03-13-23 | |
EEAEA | Bus Driver Examination & Training | 03-13-23 | |
EEAEB | Drug & Alcohol Testing for School Bus & Commercial Vehicle Drivers | 03-13-23 | |
EEAEC | Student Conduct on School Buses | 03-13-23 | |
EEAEC-R1 | Rules for Riding the School Bus | 03-13-23 | |
EEAG | Student Transportation in Private Vehicles | 03-13-23 | |
EEAJ | Motor Vehicle Idling on School Grounds | 03-13-23 | |
EFC | Free & Reduced Price Food Services | 03-11-24 | |
EFD | Meal Charge Policy | 03-11-24 | |
EFE | Civil Rights Complaint Policy for Child Nutrition Programs | 05-20-24 | |
EHAA | District Security Relating to Technology | 03-11-24 | |
EHB | Data Records and Retention | 03-11-24 | |
Section F | Facilities Management |
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FA | Facilities Development Goals | 01-27-25 | |
FCB | Retirement of Facilities | 01-27-25 | |
FF | Naming Facilities | 01-27-25 | |
FFA | Memorials | 01-27-25 | |
Section G | Personnel |
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GBA | Equal Employment Opportunity | 12-09-24 | |
GBEA | Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest | 05-09-22 | |
GBEB | Staff Conduct | 12-09-24 | |
GBEBC | Gifts To and Solicitation by Staff | 05-09-22 | |
GBEBD | Online Fundraising & Solicitations - Crowdfunding | 11-13-23 | |
GBEBE | Employee Attendance | 12-09-24 | |
GBEC | Drug Free Workplace | 12-09-24 | |
GBED | Tobacco on School Property by Staff Members Prohibited | 12-09-24 | |
GBEE | Personnel Use of Technology | 05-20-24 | |
GBGB | Staff Personal Security & Safety | 12-09-24 | |
GBGCA | Employee Childcare Program | 12-09-24 | |
GBGF | Family & Medical Leave | 12-09-24 | |
GBI | Staff Participation in Political Activities | 12-09-24 | |
GBJ | Personnel Records | 12-09-24 | |
GBK | Staff Complaints and Grievances | 12-09-24 | |
GCA | Professional Staff Positions | 12-09-24 | |
GCBA | Professional Staff Salary Schedules | 12-09-24 | |
GCBB | Employment of Principals | 12-09-24 | |
GCBC | Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans | 12-09-24 | |
GCE | Professional Staff Recruiting | 12-09-24 | |
GCF | Professional Staff Hiring | 12-09-24 | |
GCG | Substitute Professional Staff Employment | 12-09-24 | |
GCG-E1 | Substitute Pay Rate | 09-16-24 | |
GCIA | Philosophy of Staff Development | 12-09-24 | |
GCJ | Professional Teacher Status | 12-09-24 | |
GCK | Professional Staff Assignments & Transfers | 12-09-24 | |
GCO | Evaluation of Staff | 12-09-24 | |
GCQF | Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members | 12-09-24 | |
GDB | Individual Contracts & Compensation Plans | 08-14-23 | |
GDD | Staff Vacations and Holidays | 08-14-23 | |
Section H | Negotiations |
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HA | Negotiations | 01-27-25 | |
HB | Negotiations Legal Status | 01-27-25 | |
HBA | Contractual MOUs, MOAs, and Amendments | 01-27-25 | |
HF | School Committee Negotiating Agents | 01-27-25 | |
Section I | Instruction |
| |
IC/ICA | School Year/School Calendar | 09-16-24 | |
ID | School Day | 09-16-24 | |
IGA/IGD | Curriculum Development and Adoption | 09-16-24 | |
IGB | Support Services Programs | 11-13-23 | |
IHAM | Health Education | 09-16-24 | |
IHAMA | Parent Notification Relative to Sex Education | 11-23-23 | |
IHAMB | Teaching about Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs | 09-16-24 | |
IHB | Special Instruction Programs | 09-16-24 | |
IHBD | Compensatory Education | 01-27-25 | |
IHBAA | Observations of Special Education Programs | 09-16-24 | |
IHBEA | English Language Learners | 09-16-24 | |
IHBF | Homebound Instruction | 09-16-24 | |
IHBG | Home Education | 09-16-24 | |
IHBHE | Remote Learning | 09-16-24 | |
IJ | Instructional Materials | 09-16-24 | |
IJ-R1 | Procedure for Reconsideration of Instructional Resources | 09-16-24 | |
IJL | Library Materials Selection and Adoption | 03-11-24 | |
IJND | Access to Digital Resources | 05-20-24 | |
IJNDB | Use of Technology in Instruction | 05-20-24 | |
IJNDC | Acceptable Use of Digital Resources | 05-20-24 | |
IJNDD | Policy on Social Media | 09-16-24 | |
IJOA | Field Trip Policy | 09-16-24 | |
IJOC | School Volunteers | 09-16-24 | |
IKB | Homework | 09-16-24 | |
IKE | Promotion and Retention of Students | 09-16-24 | |
IKF | Graduation Requirements | 01-27-25 | |
IKFBA | Distribution of Diplomas | 09-16-24 | |
IMD | Ceremonies and Observances | 09-16-24 | |
IMG | Animals in School | 09-16-24 | |
IMGA | Service Animals in Schools | 09-16-24 | |
Section J | Students |
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JB | Equal Educational Opportunities | 12-09-24 | |
JBB | Educational Equity | 02-05-24 | |
JC | Attendance Areas | 02-05-24 | |
JCA | Assignment of Students to Schools | 02-05-24 | |
JEB | Elementary Entrance Age | 02-05-24 | |
JF | Residency Policy | 02-05-24 | |
JF-E1 | Proof of Residency Requirements | 02-05-24 | |
JFA | Enrollment of Children of Non-Resident Staff Policy | 02-05-24 | |
JFAA | AHS CTE Programs Admissions Policy | 02-05-24 | |
JFAAA | Integrated Preschool Community Peer Model Program Admission Policy | 02-06-23 | |
JFAAA-E1 | Guidelines for Integrated Preschool Community Peer Model Admission Policy | 02-06-23 | |
JFABC | Admission of Transfer Students | 02-05-24 | |
JFABD | Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights and Services | 02-05-24 | |
JFABE | Education Opportunities for Military Children | 02-05-24 | |
JFABF | Education Opportunities for Children in Foster Care | 02-05-24 | |
JFB | Continued Enrollment of High School Seniors | 02-05-24 | |
JFBB | School Choice | 02-05-24 | |
JH | Attendance Policy Attleboro | 05-08-23 | |
JH-E1 | Exhibit A - Attendance Notification at all Attleboro Schools | 05-08-23 | |
JHD | Exemptions and Exclusions From School Attendance | 02-05-24 | |
JIB | Student Involvement in Decision-Making | 02-05-24 | |
JICA | Student Dress Code | 02-05-24 | |
JICC | Student Conduct on School Buses | 02-05-24 | |
JICC-R1 | Rules for Riding the Bus | 03-13-23 | |
JICF | Gang Activity - Secret Societies | 02-05-24 | |
JICFA | Prohibition of Hazing | 02-05-24 | |
JICFA-E1 | Hazing | 02-05-24 | |
JICFB | Bullying Prevention | 02-05-24 | |
JICH | Alcohol Tobacco and Drug Use by Students Prohibited | 02-05-24 | |
JICJ | Student Cellphones | 05-20-24 | |
JIE | Pregnant Students | 02-05-24 | |
JIH | Searches and Interrogations | 02-05-24 | |
JII | Student Complaints and Grievances | 05-08-23 | |
JJ | Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities | 02-05-24 | |
JJA | Student Organizations | 02-05-24 | |
JJE | Student Fund-Raising Activities | 02-05-24 | |
JJF | Student Activity Accounts | 02-05-24 | |
JJH | Student Late Night or Overnight Travel | 02-05-24 | |
JJH-R1 | Student Travel Regulations | 02-05-24 | |
JJIF | Head Injury and Concussion Policy | 02-05-24 | |
JKAA | Physical Restraint Policy and Procedures | 02-05-24 | |
JLC | Student Health Services & Requirements | 02-05-24 | |
JLCA | Physical Examination of Students | 02-05-24 | |
JLCB | Immunizations of Students | 02-05-24 | |
JLCC | Communicable Diseases | 02-05-24 | |
JLCD | Administering Medicines to Students | 02-05-24 | |
JQ | Student Fees, Fines & Charges | 02-05-24 | |
JQ-E1 | User Fee Schedule | 02-10-25 | |
JRA | Student Records | 02-05-24 | |
JRD | Student Photographs | 02-05-24 | |
Section K | Community Relations |
| |
KA | School / Community Relations Goals | 09-16-24 | |
KBA | School / Parent Relations Goals | 09-16-24 | |
KBBA | Non-Custodial Parents' Rights | 05-20-24 | |
KCD | Public Gifts to the Schools | 09-16-24 | |
KDB | Public's Right to Know | 09-16-24 | |
KDC | Community Use of Digital Resources | 05-20-24 | |
KDCB | District Website and Social Media | 09-16-24 | |
KE | Public Complaints | 05-20-24 | |
KF | Community Use of School Facilities | 01-27-25 | |
KF-E1 | Procedure of Facility Rental Agreement | 03-11-24 | |
KF-E2 | Community Use of the AHS Track | 01-27-25 | |
| Use of AHS Concession Stand | 01-27-25 | |
KF-R1 | Community Use of School Facilities Regulations | 01-27-25 | |
KHA | Public Solicitations in the Schools | 12-09-24 | |
KHB | Advertising in the Schools | 09-16-24 | |
KHC | Posting of Signs and Distribution of Notices, Flyers, Brochures, & Advertisement in Schools | 09-16-24 | |
KI | Visitors to School | 05-20-24 | |
KLG | Relations with Police Authorities | 09-16-24 | |
Section L | Education Agency Relations |
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LA | Education Agency Relations Goals | 09-16-24 | |
LB | Relations with Non-Public Schools | 09-16-24 | |
LBC | Relations with Nonpublic Schools | 03-11-24 | |
LDA | Student Teachers | 09-16-24 | |