Food Services

Welcome to the Attleboro Public Schools’ Food Services homepage. The district is committed to providing our students with the freshest and most healthy meal services available along with our partner, Whitson's Culinary. Please see below to learn more.

Lunch menus can be found in the APS app by clicking “menu” and “dining”. You can view the lunch menu at any time during the school year using this link:

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General Eligibility Form

2024-2025 General Eligibility Form

Please note that even though meals will be free for all students this school year, Attleboro Public Schools has implemented the General Eligibility Form, new for the 2024-2025 school year.  Completing this form can waive or reduce transportation, athletics, testing and other fees for those students who are not identified based on their participation in public assistance programs.

School Payment Center


MySchoolBucks Update

*Due to rising payment processing fees and continued increases in operational costs, MSB will be updating the program fee that parents/guardians pay at checkout to $3.25 for all cafeteria credit/debit card prepayments beginning March 7, 2024.

Did you know Attleboro District Schools offers MySchoolBucks, a convenient and secure online payment and parent information portal? With MySchoolBucks you can deposit money into one or more student accounts, track purchase history, create low-balance reminders and even set-up an automatically recurring payment.

Though Massachusetts has extended free school meals for the 2024-2025, students who would like to purchase anything in addition to the breakfast and lunch provided can add funds to their MySchoolBucks account.

MySchoolBucks has a new membership program, MSB FamilyPass, that offers students and families additional benefits, such as unlimited meal payments, for an annual fee of $75. To learn more, visit the MSB website.

Whitson's Culinary

The Attleboro Public School district is committed to providing our students with the freshest and most healthy meal services available. Our partner, Whitson's Culinary, pioneered the movement away from additives and things like high fructose corn syrup ingredients in school lunch programs. They also lead the movement to scratch cooking in school lunch programs, focusing on primary and fresh ingredients. The Chef’s program in our district has brought innovative and unique flavors to our students, sourcing recipe ideas from food cultures world-wide. We are proud of the role we have played in the development of their food service program in the Commonwealth having partnered with them now for over a decade now.

Whitson's also provides nutritional information for every meal which can be accessed by clicking on each food listed.

Find out what's on the menu today!

Whitson's Staff

b pappone

Brian Pappone

Food Services Director

508.222.0012 x10075

b pappone

Sean O'Hara Chef


508.222.0012 x10074